A downloadable a playful teaching aid

The Story of an Oyster is an interactive educational game about the Hudson River and Oyster ecosystems. This game seeks to supplement an existing middle school science curriculum by providing a teaching aid to the class.

As Producer and Project Manager, I created and designed the production schedule to create a WebGL port of the VR version of the original game. Due to COVID restrictions, this production plan had to be created entirely independently of the development team. I developed the development tasks and tracked their progress over Trello to verify their completion. I was able to use my experience as a developer to create actionable tasks for when the development team would be able to actually see them. This project was successfully completed over the span of two months of development time of June and July 2021.

Our primary goal for porting the game was to increase accessibility of the project and update the gameplay systems within the game. I engaged in 10 user research interviews with middle school students that involved questionnaires and observations.  I designed an updated UI system, interactive cues, and 3D space.

This process was documented on Notion and shared with the team lead.

The project can be found here at oystervr.com